Donate via Paypal
You can also donate the following ways:
- Check/cash: Mail checks to 424 Rudd Street, Suite 102, Burlington NC 27217
- Honor cards: Make a donation in honor of someone’s Birthday or other Holiday and we will send them a card in their honor. Please use the form at the bottom of the page to submit information on your Honor Card Recipient.
What does your donation provide?
Free healthcare services are great, but what if the patients cannot afford to purchase their medications, diabetic testing supplies or
Your donation helps to purchase these important and sometimes life saving necessities.
$10 a month can provide diabetic testing supplies and medications to one patient.
$2 a month can provide a patient with medication for hypertension.
$10 a month can provide a patient with blood thinning medications to reduce the risk of stroke, DVT or pulmonary embolism.
$38 to $58 can provide a patient with eyeglasses. Some of our patients have never had a pair of eyeglasses.
One patient stated, “Thank you for my glasses…I can see now! I have not seen leaves on the trees in years!”
Fill out my online form.
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